There are plenty of online music courses out there if you want to learn an instrument. But your voice itself is also an instrument, and there are a surprising number of online singing lessons available if you want to develop your voice.
Today, we’ll be looking closely at Superior Singing Method, a course developed by Aaron Anastasi. This course promises to help you improve vocal tone, pitch, range, and more in 30 days.
Things to Consider Before Signing Up for Online Vocal Training
Whether you choose Superior Singing Method or another site to learn how to sing online, we think it’s a good idea to first ask yourself a few questions in order to make sure you’re making the right decision. Here are a few things to consider before signing up:
- Is there a particular genre you want to focus on? Most online singing course options take a bit of a generalist approach — they teach you skills that you can apply to most genres. That said if there is a specific genre like opera that you want to focus on, a more specialized course may be best.
- Do you need one-on-one lessons? Sometimes, you can find a singing course that offers you the opportunity for a one-on-one video lesson with your instructor. Some others let you send in a video or audio clip and let the instructor offer feedback. These options may not be crucial, but in some cases, they can help you get through problem spots in your learning.
- What about additional resources? With all the competition out there between different singing program options, some online course sites are offering bonus gifts for those who sign up. Sometimes these are vocal warm-up exercises or mini-courses focused on specific skills. You may find that you have enough to do with the courses themselves, but if you don’t, these options can help round out your learning.
- What’s your budget? Some online singing course sites are more expensive than others. If you’re on a budget, it’s a good idea to shop around before making a decision. If you find a course you like that’s expensive, chances are good that you can find one with similar content for a better price. Many sites also periodically run promotions, which can be a great way to save money if you aren’t in a rush.
- What’s your experience level? You may have noticed that a lot of singing courses are designed with the beginner in mind. If you already have some vocal experience, you might not get a lot out of these programs (or at least out of the early lessons in them). For more advanced vocalists, it might be necessary to find online courses designed for singers who are more experienced.
Superior Singing Method
PRO’s & CON’s of Superior Singing Method
In our Superior Singing Method review, we hope to help you discover whether this is the right program for you. But first, let’s look at some pros and cons.
- The step-by-step course layout helps you build a good foundation as a singer.
- You get 50 singing lessons and free bonus materials, making the course a fairly comprehensive one.
- The teacher is a professional vocal coach who has worked with some big names.
- It’s pretty affordable and comes with a generous 60-day money-back guarantee.
- Some buyers have complained about being overcharged or double-charged.
- It’s a little more expensive than some programs.
Features and Benefits
Now, let’s get into some of the specifics of the Superior Singing Method course. At first glance, it’s a lot like other online singing programs, but there are a few key things that set it apart.
Meet the Instructor
Technically, anybody can make a site for online singing lessons. And when the site creator is also the instructor, it’s a good idea to make sure that person knows what they’re doing.
The creator of the Superior Singing Method is Aaron Anastasi. Aaron Anastasi is an actor and singer, and he grew up playing guitar and performing music. As an adult, he toured with prominent musicians, including Grammy-winning producer Nathan Chapman (who has produced Taylor Swift).
You might think that Aaron’s name sounds familiar. We did, and then we realized that’s because he created Play Worship Guitar, another online lesson site that we’ve reviewed.
Aaron Anastasi created the Superior Singing Method in order to help other singers and musicians improve their voices in a short period of time. He incorporates some of the tricks he has learned in his own journey to improve his voice, which makes the videos seem authentic.
Aaron Anastasi is also an actor. This is a little surprising since many students have noted that he doesn’t have a whole lot of presence on the camera during video lessons. In some videos, Aaron seems to mumble, making it difficult to hear exactly what he’s saying. Plus, you don’t really get any visual aids in the videos, so the production quality can feel a little dull.
If you want to see it for yourself, check out his YouTube video on how to be a better singer. Regardless of what you think about Aaron’s camera presence, we do think this video has some great points. This is something to keep in mind when evaluating the course as a whole — the delivery method may not be the greatest, but we think it can help you improve your voice in the end.
Core Curriculum
If you’re evaluating a set of online singing lessons to see whether they’re right for you, we think one of the most important things to look for is the core of the lesson program.
Superior Singing Method is broken into eight different learning modules with six lessons each. We think this is good — with singing lessons that aren’t divided into modules, it can be hard to feel accomplished when you’re taking lesson after lesson. Each time you complete a module, you’ll have a sense of progress, which is a great feeling for the new singer.
Now, let’s take a look at each module and what it contains:
- Warm-ups — Vocal warm-ups are key to great singing practice, and this site gets you started early. You’ll learn lip trills and other easy warm ups, and you’ll also get introduced to more advanced warm ups as you progress. Warming up will make your voice sound better, and it also will protect you from vocal injury. You might feel like warm ups are dull, but they’re a vital skill for any serious vocalist.
- Breath management — You may have heard of “breath control” as it pertains to singing. Breath support is also an important skill to have, especially as you progress to more strenuous techniques like belting. Aaron focuses primarily on a form of breath support known as apoggio. This can be a little confusing, since apoggio has several different definitions.
- Vocal tone — Like any instrument, your voice has a tone. And just like you can improve a guitar’s tone by upgrading pickups or choosing better strings, there are ways to improve your own vocal tone. This doesn’t mean that a tone-deaf person will sound like Adele overnight, but it does mean that just about everyone can improve how their voice sounds. In this module, Aaron primarily helps you get rid of nasality, which results in a fuller, warmer tone.
- Matching Pitch — Being able to hear a pitch and match it with your voice is a great skill, since it can let you sing what you hear. However, some critics have said that this is far too early in the course to start learning this concept. Don’t be too hard on yourself if you can’t master pitch-matching right away — this is a skill that takes practice, and you can always revisit this section if you need to later on.
- Power and Resonance — Power and resonance are both key components of a memorable and versatile voice. However, from what we’ve seen of this module, the main focus here is on resonance. Most vocal exercises help you very little, if it all, when it comes to developing power. Still, a more resonant voice is more pleasing to the ear, and this module will help you build resonance quickly.
- High Notes and Mix Voice — Mix (or mixed) voice is essentially a blend between your head voice and chest voice. Learning this voice (and when to use it) is important, and we aren’t really sure why Superior Singing Method waits so long to introduce it. We do like that the mix voice section is mixed in with high notes. This way, you can learn to transition from head voice (what you use to hit high notes) to mix voice, which can be challenging to master at first.
- Vocal Agility — This is a fun yet challenging set of vocal exercises that will prepare you to sing even the most challenging songs. Most vocal exercises in this section are made up of scales that jump around. Some also help with pitch matching, which you may have a better handle on by this point.
- Advanced Strengthening and Technique — This last module uses a two-octave scale sung using “uh.” We think it’s a useful module since it encourages you to maintain vocal resonance at different frequencies. By now, you probably will have seen a noticeable improvement in your singing voice.
The site also comes with bonus modules, although they don’t go into a whole lot of detail on what they entail. These modules focus on stage performance, marketing, and singing in harmony. They’re grouped separately from the other modules because they may not be necessary for all singers — for instance, you may not want to be a professional singer or even a live performer, or you may perform solo and not see any need to sing in harmony. But if these are skills you want to master, you’ll find them here.
Lastly, you also get a 121-page PDF manual that offers some background information on some of the techniques used in Superior Singing Method. It goes into the theory behind Aaron’s teaching and why his course is put together the way it is. It also provides necessary clarification — it goes into some detail on apoggio, the breath support technique that Aaron advocates using.
On the whole, we think this is a fairly comprehensive course for new vocalists looking to improve their singing voice. If you want to hear one student’s opinion and listen to his progress, check out this video review of Superior Singing Method.
Bonus Features
Superior Singing Method is one of the courses that includes some bonus materials to entice you to buy. But are these useful add-ons, or just things that could easily have been added to the core curriculum? Let’s take a look.
You get four bonus items when you sign up for Superior Singing Method. Here they are:
- Developing Your Head Voice — Lots of singers struggle with hitting high notes without getting pitchy. This add-on is a mini course that was put together by Grammy-winning producer Nathan Chapman.
- Guide to Performing — We think this bonus is a great addition to have, especially if you want to perform live. It contains lots of helpful techniques and tips that will help mentally and physically prepare you for performance.
- Vocal Agility — This mini-course builds on the vocal agility module covered above. It gives you some valuable tips on improving your singing voice.
- Guide to Music Marketing — If you aim to record and release your music, this resource will help. We like that it’s included, since it will help even newer vocalists get inspired and stay focused on the future.
If you want to learn more about these bonus features and how they can help you, this video review of Superior Singing Method also goes into detail about the bonus features you get when you sign up.
Pricing, Membership, & Money-Back Guarantee
Compared to some singing courses we’ve seen, this one is a little expensive, largely because there is no option for monthly payment. The course can be purchased for a one-time payment of $97. This seems reasonable, as the course is designed to be taken over eight weeks. Purchasing in-person lessons over that time would be astronomically more expensive. However, we do realize that this is a larger up-front investment than many other online singing courses we’ve reviewed.
When we visited the Superior Singing Method site, it was on sale for $47, so the site does run promotions. And even when you purchase at the regular price, you get the bonus features, which the site claims are worth $119.80.
Lastly, Superior Singing Method comes with a money back guarantee that lasts 60 days, or the recommended length of the course. You simply need to send an e-mail saying you aren’t satisfied with the course, and you will receive a full refund.
If you’re still on the fence about this site and whether or not it can help you, you might want to check out this video review, which shows off one student’s progress.
Social Proof of the Course
Before you sign up for any online singing method, you’ll probably want to know what other people have to say about it. In order to help you make the right decision, we’ve gathered some reviews of the Superior Singing Method. Here are some of the good ones we’ve found.

This review comes from Music Grotto. This site has a pretty good grasp of the pros of this site — it’s a thorough singing method that can really help your voice if you apply yourself to it.

This Superior Singing Method review comes from Instrumental Global. This reviewer has tried the course for themselves, and they found that it worked well, even if you have minimal time to dedicate to practice.

This Superior Singing Method review comes from Deviant Noise. This review site does not recommend the Superior Singing Method, largely because so many people have complained about being overcharged and then receiving no customer service response. They also have said that the videos are somewhat dull, making it something they think is not worthwhile.
In Conclusion
We think that if you’re really committed to learning how to sing, you’ll get a lot out of this course. However, we do have some reservations about this course — namely, the issue that many students have had with being overcharged. If you are ready to try it out in spite of above, Superior Singing Method might be for you. But if you’re looking for something a little more engaging and affordable, we recommend you check out 30 Day Singer.